Author - Vidya Gupta

Mother to three lovely boys and wife of a banking professional, I am extremely passionate about a host of topics, bags being one of them. For the record, the others are - makeup, travel, photography, in no particular order. Here I share my perspective on the Indian as well as the international bag-scene. As a youngster I would spend most of my money on bags and carry one according to my outfit. It is this love that I express through this blog. Needless to say, any suggestions for improvement, even healthy criticisms, are highly encouraged. Hope you enjoy your stay here and find something useful to help you on your next bag purchase!


Convertibles by Lavie

It’s a busy life with twins. But sometimes the boys are sweet enough to allow me a quick trip of the mall. Hence, at Shopper’s Stop yesterday I...


Discover: Rossoyuki

Whoever said reading opens up new avenues and discoveries hitherto unknown, thoroughly knew the value of this activity. Reading has always been a hobby, but...

New Launches

New Bag Launches

The last couple of weeks went by in a flash. Before we could even acknowledge that it was starting, it had already ended, leaving my husband and self...